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2003-10-26 - 11:33 p.m.

Another weekend of wholesomeness under my belt and I feel just about back to normal.

I had just the right dose of shooting firearms at milk cartons...

...a smidgeon more than enough hanging out with a four-year-old...

...and consumed more food than was strictly necessary.

We paid the requisite visit to Le Giant Tigre where I went on an insane purchasing rampage but managed to remember to pay for all my clothes this time, avoiding the embarrassment and shame of inadvertent cleptomania.
I came away with two ridiculous pairs of panties, four pairs of socks, a t-shirt, flourescent orange hunting gloves, a six-pack of microwaveable Easy Mac, and two awesome children's books by this guy named Chris Raschka. I recommend these books highly. The series is called "Thingy Things" and although I was only able to find "Moosey Moose" and "Sluggy Slug", I will immediately begin hunting for the companion volumes, "Whaley Whale" and "Wormy Worm".

Ed entertained by making a scrumptious curry dinner Saturday night, target shooting the elusive mandarin orange tin out of the bush Sunday morning, and buying me a pair of matching dinosaurs to play with at the Bracebridge Dollarama.

(T-Rex)Yes. Yes, this is a fertile land, and we will thrive.
(Stegosaurus) We will rule over all this land, and we will call it... "This Land."
(T-Rex)I think we should call it "your grave!"
(Stegosaurus) Ah, curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!
(T-Rex) Ha ha HA! Mine is an evil laugh! Now die!
(Stegosaurus) Oh, no, God! Oh, dear God in heaven!

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